DivX 5.0.5 en finale !

samedi 3 mai 2003 par Jade

Enfin sur Mac une version non-béta de l’encodeur officiel qui se voit gratifiée du même numéro de version que son équivalent PC.

DivX includes the codec and a "DivX Validator" application that fixes DivX AVI files so they can be played back properly in the QuickTime architecture.

Once the codec is installed, you can use the QuickTime Player application to playback DivX video files.

Includes DivX Pro ? video encoder and decoder. 15 day trial period.

What’s New :
- Version 5.0.5 includes, for the first time anywhere, a bonafide DivX video encoder on Mac OS.
- We’ve also included new PowerPC G4 and G3 optimizations and a DivX Decoder Configuration application (which serves the same purpose as its Windows cousin).
- The DivX Validator application is largely unchanged in this release.


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